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It's Your World!

There is an incoming of celestial energies

coming forth now which enables us to listen to our hearts and know the truth of the things we desire and to act upon the things that resonates within as an act of self-love and self-discovery. As we crossed over into the Spring Equinox, the Venus Retrograde that we are smack dab in the middle of, and the energies of this upcoming New Moon in Aries (March 27th, I believe), we have been given the green light to GO! To act out on the things that we are truly inspired to do. To follow our hearts in complete truth and the love to honor what we know to be true and what we truly desire. 

With this new beginning there is a fire within our souls that propels us into our own personal missions in life. We have done the inner work and now we have been set on the paths of self-discovery. We our honoring our own inner voice and no longer stand victim to anything outside of us. We are making divine connections to things and people in accordance to what we desire. We have painted the vision, now it is time to spring into action.

We are still tested by "God" as a check point to ourselves that what we are taking action towards is what we truly desire and that we have healed from the elements in our past that weathered us and didn't serve our highest good. So if you see yourself making forward moment, and all of a sudden a distraction comes along, stay focused on what you desire. Don't be thrown off course. This is not the time to give up, keep pushing forward. We are in a season of rapid manifestations. Yes! It is time for our vision to come to past with the necessary work and action needed. But this will all align with our highest good.

If you are still feeling cloudy and not sure what your heart is truly saying, it's only because there is some inner healing work that needs to be done, which I can help with. Contact me today if you need a little boost to get started on your new beginnings. Healing work isn't always easy but it is so worth it because you are worth it.

I'm so excited to finally be released into this new beginning because I've been waiting for it for the longest. At the beginning of 2017 I thought all the chaos and craziness from 2016 was over but...... NOPE! Although the final conclusions were being made, it felt like it was an never ending story of ups and downs that caught me off guard time and time again. But now even with the ups and downs, because of honoring myself and my dreams it feels like I am unstoppable.

I've come to realize that my passion is to carry forth as an entrepreneur and lightworker. I have been in business for 1 whole year this month. This is phenomenal for me! I have commitment issues. 😂I have never stayed with an employer for over a year and never stuck with anything for the long-term. And if it has been over a year, I grow weary of doing it. With this vision of mine, I am still in love with it as if it were the first day! There has been opposition to my dreams, but I stuck with it despite what it looked like, how I felt and what people had to say about it, and the anger projected towards me at times. I made huge sacrifices in believing in my vision. I walked away from working a 9-5. l completely submerged myself and my belief into my purpose, all which I felt lead to do. Even though I didn't feel totally equipped, I pushed forwarded and worked with what I had and later was divinely blessed with. I really felt like I was on to something. I had faith. I listened to my heart all the way through this and now it feels like I am being rewarded for my undying belief in myself. I now encounter people who believe in me too.

Pay attention to the signs. Follow your hearts true calling and leading, and take action into your vision. Your service is needed in this new dimension and frequency. I feel like it only up from here. Now is the time to manifest your hearts desires. NOW!

I wish you all the best on your personal journeys of self-love, self-discovery and springing into action towards your souls truth.

I love you guys and there is absolutely nothing you can do about. So receive all this loving!

And stay true to yourself!

Signing off until next time,

Elocin Ned'RAH (The Great) Yaaaaaassssss, I did dat and came back.... with two snaps. 

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