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Trust Your Process

Yiggidity, yiddigity, yo! Okay, I’m just being silly. But seriously... do I have your attention? Good. The encouraging words of today is: Trust Your Process. If you are along this journey called ascension, where humanity is evolving, you probably have been experiencing some crazy stuff. Especially as of lately. Well as of lately, I’ve been experiencing emotional trigger after emotional trigger. And even having the choice to rise above it or completely respond in a 3 dimensional way of behavior. In other words, in my ego or “in my flesh”, as Christians put it.  And as of lately, I have been responding both ways. The lighter triggers I’ve been through before, which are still triggers, but not so much... I rise above fairly quickly. But those deep, deep emotional triggers, which are your worst nightmares and deepest fears resurfaced... and I’m intensely triggered... bring out all the things I’ve tried to suppress. Like anger, jealousy, hatred, disgust, rage, depression, unworthiness, betrayal.... recklessness.... all those thing and more, started to bubble up to the surface. My attempts to check it at the front door were greatly thwarted. It was like my worst fears bombarded and pushed my higher self right out of the way..... Like moooove biiiiiiiihhh........ I crack myself up. Anyway.... things started in proper perspective but my fears got the best of me. I waaaaayyy over reacted to my triggers, or F.E.A.Rs. False evidence appearing real. And oh yes... they were appearing really real. Like it got real for a minute... or two. The Universe always trying to prove something. What? That I am bigger than my fears? And my bounce back games is phenomenal? That nothing outside me can hurt me? And that I am my worst enemy? That’s my higher self talking, by the way.  Higher self always knows the bigger picture. But sometimes my ego gets in the way. And guess what? That ego of mine is really getting a work for its money. This healing and releasing process that the collective conscious is going through globally and individually, especially individually, has been getting more and more intense. Especially if you’re in my soul group and can resonate to what I’m saying. These are triggers I haven’t experienced in a long time. Like my worst fears type of thing. I’ve always called myself protecting my heart from experiencing debilitating emotions by either adopting the philosophy of ignorance being bliss or completely staying in denial about things just to avoid that there is such things that could make me completely change my mind altogether and completely give up on my heart, on love, on life. These things I buried deep within, denying their existence just to get through life to my promise land. I’ve became completely numb to things. And withdrawn. The walls around my heart were all the way back up. Just when I started taking them back down. Time and time again. But growing stronger and resilient, nothing could stop me in my tracks. May slow me down but not completely immobilize. It’s this one thing.... the Universe threw in the equation of what was already else being tossed my way that I effortless rose above. But Bam! Something hit me in mid-flight. Whooooooaaaaaa, what the hell I was that? For real Universe? You gonna throw that at me?”, asked while tumbling into a pit of despair. I made several attempt to catch flight after being side swapped with a boulder of a trigger. Once hitting rock bottom, in my depths, the only way for me to react was how I always responded in such situations. I wasn’t prepared for that one. So it seemed as if I failed. I’m in darkness again. But in this darkness and not completely forgetting what I learned to take flight again and rise above, I slowly started remember who I was, and took off. A little unsure and afraid to not get toppled again. But slowly and carefully rising. Remember my majestic nature, as the Phoenix Rising. Ha haaaaaa..... you can’t catch me!!!! I’m the Gingerbread Man! It was a lesson in all this. First and foremost, in these emotionally triggers, the Universe had to get me to my deepest depth to realize it’s not so scary. Hurts like hell. But in recollection to who I am, I’m made of the hearty stuff that the Universe is made off. And the Universe isn’t trying to hurt me but only make me better. The test I thought I failed was only requisite to it. Because it was in my depths, I had to find my way out. Which I did. Hallelujah!!! And if you are going through emotional turmoil. Know it’s just a test. Know you too are made of the same hearty stuff and can still rise above it all. Trust the good and the bad. Rather you respond to things from a higher perspective or slip up and let the ego do the walking and the talking. Know it all works together. But never lose track of your TRUE SELF. Because in your true majestic nature, you rise above it all. This is called balance. Trust your process. I hope this serves as encouragement to whomever needs it... and know you are not alone and people do understand. Until next time.... Signing off, Elocin Ned’RAH (The Vegan Conquer)

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