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Sacred Yoni Steaming Ritual

Last night I decided to do a vaginal steam and make this a very sacred ritual. This is something that I may have been planning to do for about maybe 1 day prior to doing it. I saw a post on social media of a woman doing the ritual in her bathroom, and it totally resonated and made sense for me to do it. 

For the past week, I’ve been feeling totally drained and emotional due to the cosmic alignment and emotional attachments to my TF and just wanted to clear my energy. 

I mean I felt terrible. I took salt baths, lit candles to clear energy, prayed, cleaned up my diet and even attempted to drink more water. But these thing only helped momentarily and very minimally.

Once again, with the astrological transits taking place, especially Chiron, which is known as the wounded healer, I kind of suspected for things to be “off” and old energy and emotions resurfacing to be healed. 

But when I saw the post. It only made sense to cleanse my womb. I mean, I’ve never even thought of my “yoni” housing energy like that and how it could affect me. Well... I did know that there is a exchange of energy when u engage in sex, but it just never dawned on me that that particular area needed some spiritual cleansing as well. 

Sunday night, feeling weak and fatigued, I forced myself to go to the natural foods grocery store. I picked several herbs that I researched for this purpose. Headed to Walmart for candles and a towel to place on the toilet seat for comfort. 

By the time I made it home, it was thundering and lightening which added to the atmosphere in my opinion. For whatever reason, I love stormy nights. 

I prepared the bathroom with candles, thoroughly cleaned the toilet and spiffy up just to make that space sacred. Mixed my herbs then boiled them. And then prepared for the ritual. 

Initially, it was very uncomfortable. It felt as if I was going to burn my lady parts off. I kept rising from the seat to allow “her” to cool off and proceeded with the steaming. Eventually, it turned into a more relaxing experience. Although I couldn’t necessarily meditate or pray through the experience, I did do a little reading. Which was nice. 

I sat for about 45 minutes. And immediately went to lay down in bed. 

Last night, I had a peaceful night with the ritual and the rain. And when I woke up this morning I felt a little different. A little lighter even. I felt well rested. 

So, I have decided to continue this ritual for 3 consecutive days. Well, two more. I just feel as if Spirit is leading me to do 3 days. But it was and is much needed. Maybe this will take me to a whole new level with my divine femininity... who knows....

Until Next time....

Signing off,

Elocin Ned’RAH (Oochie Wally Wally) 

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